Susana Wesley Mission Auxiliary( SUWMA)

Objectives and aims

  • It shall be the prime aim of SUWMA to endeavour to enlist all women who are full members of the Methodist Church.
  • To inculcate in the members the spirit of Holiness and Godly living, both at home, in the Church and in society.
  • To teach members to give prime attention to the nurturing of children in the Christian Faith.
  • To assist in the cleaning, decorating of chapels, church premises and manses.
  • To help serve refreshments and food during various meetings of the church.
  • To co-operate in whatever ways possible with other organisations in the church to win souls and build the body of CHRIST.



 SUWMA Chair Person: Sis. Florence Ageman

Please contact Sis. Florence Ageman for further information: